I still feel as if Dan Wells is one of the most underrated authors out there.  The John Wayne Cleaver series continues to be an amazing story about a young man who knows he’s capable of evil, and in fact desires to be evil, and chooses to be good.

Over-Your-Dead-BodyThis reason alone makes the book worthy.  OYDB is more predictable than some of the other John Cleaver stories, but I wonder if that wasn’t intentional.  For me, this book was less bout the identity of the monster and how it operates and more about the effect that information would have on John.

Where The Devil’s Only Friend bridged the first three books to this new direction, OYDB continues to push the potential of the series into new directions.  It takes place relatively soon after the events of TDOF.   The wit is every bit as charming.  The conflict is every bit as compelling.  The ending was every bit as tragically beautiful as I’ve come to expect from Wells.

This is part of a series, so if you haven’t started with book one, I recommend you do.  You’ll be the lucky one though as you can read the whole series up to this point in a row; where as I had to wait for each book.

Thanks for reading,



10 thoughts on “Book Review: Over Your Dead Body by Dan Wells

      1. I’d imagine they call it horror because there are, in fact, monsters. But I promise, that’s not the crux of the book. If anything, it’s a psychological murder mystery thriller.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. You recommended the first book to me a while ago and I really enjoyed it. Wastelander keeps taking me an extra week to finish, but when I do I already have the next two sitting in the shelf. It’s part of my POV study of 1st person during my break from Wastelander while I wait to begin round one of rewrites. Great review and what I’ve come to expect from you!


    1. I’m satisfied with where it’s going. The last edition was the best of the new stuff, but in my opinion that’s because it got back to the roots of what makes Cleaver such an interesting character. Thanks for stopping by!


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