Greetings all,

caught-front-coverI’m not sure how others may feel about this post, and I honestly hoped I wouldn’t have to worry about the conundrum, but certain things in the artistic fields are inevitable. That said, Caught received a one-star review today.

So why am I posting about it? Because it’s a review. I think it’s important at this time to ask you all kindly not to vent or insult the reader if you feel inclined. Why? Because he cared enough to leave a review. Every review, good or bad, is precious to me. It let’s me know what I’m doing right and what I’m doing wrong. Granted, he didn’t exactly tell people why they shouldn’t buy my book, but he cared enough to click a rating and leave a comment. That’s all I ask of any reader. You don’t have to like the book. I’m still honored he tried my book out and offered an opinion. This is why I chose to make this post. If I’m willing to shout to the hills over every five-star review, I better be willing to share the negative. Otherwise, I feel as though I’m being shady. I feel as though I’m hiding the parts of my work people might not want to see.

I want to take this time to thank the reviewer. You gave me the most precious things anyone can: your time and a fair chance to entertain you.


(UPDATE: That review has been deleted. I did not speak to the reviewer, nor did I speak to Amazon. I’m not sure why the individual pulled the review. I also hope no one messaged the individual to request such or defend me. I stand by what I said. He took the time to offer his thoughts, and I appreciated it. I hope the removal of that review was made by his choice or by Amazon after whatever investigations they do with reviews.)

Thanks for reading,


7 thoughts on “A One-Star Review for Caught

    1. Yes, it’s my book. You’re right; I can’t please everyone. That’s the main reason I shared the review without “arguing” (I guess that’s the right word). The value is in that he took the time to leave such a review.

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  1. I think this is very kind of you. I think this is a great way to receive it, and a very warm sentiment to share.
    Stories are often very personal, and we in turn can be very sensitive, but I think this perspective is one we should all strive for.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can’t refute your logic. The only thing I actually know is he hated the book. That’s true. I’ll admit the review made me sad. I just want to focus in the fact that people are reading my work. Before I made this post, I had feelings. I spoke to a few friends. I’m juts focusing on the information I find helpful. I wish he’d mentioned anything he hated, but I still genuinely appreciate the fact that he took the time to click a rating and post a review. From there, I can hope the next person who reviews it liked it more. (Spoilers, they did.)

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